Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc. Presents The 2017 Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival!!! Memphis,TN Oct. 23-29, 2017

***For Immediate Release***

Bro. Ron Herd II
(The Founder Of The Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival)




Mailing Address:
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175


The 2017 Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Oct 23-29, 2017, Memphis, TN

Please Share!!!  (7 Days Of Events) FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

"Jimmie Lunceford has the best of all bands. Duke [Ellington] is great, [Count] Basie is remarkable, but Lunceford tops them both."

-- Legendary Swing Band Leader Glenn Miller


"Jimmy Lunceford was buried here in Memphis. The spot he occupies should have something of a special significance. ... He took a group of relatively unsophisticated Memphis colored boys and welded them into an organization which scaled the heights of musical eminence. ... He presented something new in the way of musical presentations by Negro orchestras. Lunceford and many others like him chose to remain at home, and with their people. [His death] should have meaning in inspiration and guidance to others. If we permit it, Lunceford's burial in Memphis can mean this."

--Legendary Memphis Educator And Syndicated Columnist Nat D. Williams

The 1st Annual Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Week organized by The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group, Inc. will be held from October 23, 2017 through October 29, 2017 in Memphis, TN.  Ronald Herd II, the founder and Chief  Executive Artivist of The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc., answered his calling after a spiritual encounter with Sun Ra courtesy of the late Prof. Giuseppe Pirone which led him to learning more about jazz and its greatest artists including Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Jimmie Lunceford, Dinah Washington, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, and James Reese Europe during his freshman year at Washington University in St. Louis.  He never would have imagined while doing years of research that he would discover that his late paternal grandmother, who grew up with Charlie Parker as a friend of her brothers, actually performed with the Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra when they visited Kansas City.  This research also connected him to the late great Mr. Emerson Able, Jr., a Memphis music legend, co-founder of The Southern Heritage Classic and true Jimmie Lunceford disciple as well as a tireless and longtime  advocate for Lunceford to be properly recognized in 'The City Of Good Abode' which helped him to form 'The Greatest Jazz Swing Band Of All Time!!!' Ron and Mr. Able eventually became 'partners in crime' as they vowed to bring Lunceford's legacy to life.  Ron is working on a documentary and book in honor of Jimmie Lunceford. You can support those important efforts by donating to the following link:

It has been 70 years since Lunceford's death and he is now 115 years old, the mission has become a reality.  It is my hope that you will join us in this awesome celebration of life and history. The kickoff will be held at Manassas High School on Monday, October 23, 2017.  

We are also partnering with various organizations, The Memphis Public Library (Benjamin Hooks Main Library and The Cossitt Library), Onlocation Memphis, Stax, Humanities Tennessee, Old Daisy, Memphis Black Arts Alliance, the steering committee (Memphis ASALH represented), along with committed individuals helping to ensure the success of the festival.  

The festival is a family-friendly event.  It is geared towards both the youths and adults.  Bring your children so that they can began seeing the importance of their history and learning from the adults. Knowledge-Of-Self is a foundation for both a sound education as well as a purpose driven life.

Below Is The Agenda & WE Hope That You Can Participate:

Kickoff at Manassas High School– Monday, October 23, 2017 @ 12:45 pm c-2:15pm c 
(Also Open To The Public)

"He would come over to the school each and every time he would play Memphis. His band would perform for the [Manassas] student body, and our band, the Little Rhythm Bombers, would play for him. This is where most of us, as students, saw him. He would bring the big band over to Manassas and perform." 

--Memphis Music Great, Educator & Manassas Rhythm Bomber Emerson, Jr.
Inline image 4

WHERE: Manassas High School
1111 Manassas StREet

MEmphis, TN 38107


"Memphis Rhythm Was His Business: A Jimmie Lunceford Discussion." 

Panel Discussion – Tuesday, October 24, 2017 @ Benjamin Hooks Public Library (6:00pm c- 8:00 pm c)

In the Memphis Room, 4th Floor @ The Memphis Public Libraries 
3030 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38111. 

Moderator:  Melvin Massey
Panelists:  Ronald Herd, II, Seth Taylor, Carla Thomas, Elaine Turner, Dr. John Bass, Dr. James Gholson, Dr. Reverend Kenneth Whalum, Jr,  Dr.  Bill Hurd, and Phillip Joyner


2017 Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Homecoming Court
King and Queen/Prince and Princess along with court recognition – Old Daisy Theatre, Wednesday, October 25, 2017 (6:30 pm, reception at 6:00 pm)

2017 Jimmie Lunceford’s Jamboree Festival Court

Joyce Cobb, Logan Westbrook, Howard Grimes, Dr. Bill Hurd, Kirk Whalum, Michael James (Miscellaneous), George Coleman, Charles Lloyd, Steve Lee, Epke Abioto, Toni Green, Glover Mosely, Ronnie Williams, Johnnie Yancy, Malvin Massey, James Gholston, Dr. David and Yvonne Acey, Carla Thomas, Carl Flake, Larry Dawson, James Alexander, Garnett Brown, Deborah Gleese Barnes, Johnnie Turner, Barbara Cooper, Elaine Turner, Noah Bonds, Grover Mosely, Herbert Smith, Clarence Christian, Velma Jones , Maxine Starling Strawder, Andre Matthews “Chief”, Anthony Holmes, Alfred Rudd, Nokie Taylor, Bennie West, Vivian Branch, Miran Decosta Willis, Deborah Manning Thomas, Deke Pope, Anthony Jones, Lonnie McMillian, “Boo” Mitchell, Frank Phillips, Candice Ivory, Honeymoon Barner, Charles William, William “Albert” Bell, Charles Little “Buck” Riley, Naomi Moody, Harold Scott, Harold Scott, Ozzie Smith, Willie Hall, Judy Farmer, “Boo” Mitchell, Stephanie Bolton, Wendi Moten, Percy Wiggins, Booker T, Jones, David Dorton, Sandra Bray, John Gary, Al Green, Bobby Rush, Sidney Kirk, Herman Green, Donald Brown, Calvin Newborne, John Bass, Eddie Harris, Eddie Harris, Audie Smith, Vanessa Thomas, Harold Maebern, Kelly Hurt, and Frank Phillips


Movie Night: "Blues In The Night" (1941) @ The Stax Museum Of American Soul Music
---Thursday Oct. 26, 2017 (6pm c-9pm c)
Inline image 3

Free Movie Passes to "Blues in the Night" (Click On Link Below):

WHERE: Stax Museum Of American Soul Music
926 E. McLemore Ave
Memphis, TN 38106

Blues in the Night” Movie – Stax, Thursday, October 26, 2017 @ 6 pm c–9 pm c need to arrive early and seated before 6:30 on a first come, first serve basis with movie passes)
Also 10 minute short film featuring The Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra and a panel discussion

Moderator:  Jackie Murray
Panelists:  Ronald Herd, II, Phillip Joyner, Steve Lee, Dr. David Acey, and 
Ekpe Abioto


Jimmie Lunceford Jazznocracy Art Show/Talk & Jam Session (tentative) during Trolley Night – Friday, October 27, 2017 (6 pm - 9 pm)



Jimmie Lunceford & The Future Of The Memphis Sound: Panel Discussion,  Saturday, October 28, 2017 -- Cossitt Public Library @ 12 noon

Moderator:  Jackie Murray
Panelists:  Ronald Herd, II, Ekpe Abioto, Deborah Gleese Barnes, Cequita Monique McKinnley and Seth Taylor (tentative)


Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Jazznocracy Concert, October 28, 2017 (location tbd)

Event is open to musicians, singers and dancers to perform Jazz tributes in honor of Jimmie Lunceford.


Jimmie Lunceford’s Tribute Finale @ Brinson's, Sunday, October 29, 2017 4pm-7pm

What: Jazz-A-Fire Series
When: Sunday Oct. 29
4-7 p.m. 
Price: $12

Performances and bring your own instrument to join.

Where: Brinson's
341 Madison Downtown
 Memphis, TN 38103

Phone: 901-524-0104


NOTE: More Events & Updates Will Be Added As Information Becomes Available.

More Ways To Support The Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Movement...

Sign The Petition & Spread The Word: 
Rename Memphis International For Black Aviation Pioneers Jimmie Lunceford & Lt. Col. Luke Weathers!!!
Sign By Clicking On The Link:


Wear #JAZZNOCRACY: Buy Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival Related Tee-Shirts!!!


Donate To The 2017 Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival & Documentary Film Fundraisng Efforts!!!

 Send A Check Or Preferably Money Order Addressed To 'The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.' To The Following Mailing Address:

Attn: Bro. Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175


Learn More About Jimmie Lunceford @ W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV!!!
Rhythm Was His BusINess: Jimmie Lunceford, A Life IN #JAZZNOCRACY

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tuesday Oct. 24, 2017, 6pm c- 8pm c @ BEn Hooks Central Library, MEmphis, TN: MEmphis Rhythm Was His BusINess: A Jimmie LUNceford Discussion.

JoIN US Tuesday Oct 24, 2017, 6pm c- 8pm c,"MEmphis Rhythm Was His BusINess: A Jimmie LUNceford Discussion." IN THE MEmphis Room, 4th Floor @ THE Memphis Public Libraries 3030 Poplar Ave, MEmphis, TN 38111. ALL-STAR PANEL. FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!! Support THE #JAZZNOCRACY MoveMEnt...

Thursday, September 14, 2017

GivINg A Soul PropHEt His Due...REv. Al GREen REceives A 2017 Jimmie LUNceford Legacy Award!!!

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this press release are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of  W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!



Yesterday I Had A Chance To Honor THE KINg Of Soul Music, Both Baby MakINg & Jesus LovINg, THE 1 & Only REv. Al GREen WITh A 2017 #JimmeLUNcefordLegacy Award For "A LIFETIME DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN MUSIC & MUSIC EDUCATION" IN Front Of His CongREgation & Worldwide Fans, LITERALLY...IN A CITy Obsessed WITh Dead WhITe Man NaMEd ForREst & PREsley IT Is Good To Honor A True Soul BroTHEr iN LivINg Color!!! For 41 Yrs THE Good REv Al Has BEen PREachIN & SINgIN THE Word Of GOD @ Full Gospel Tabernacle, THE Church HE FoUNded, Right Down THE StREet From Elvis PREsley's Graceland IN WhITehaven IN MEmphis,TN...Al GREen Has THE UNITed Nations Of ChurcHEs, Most Of His VisITors ARE Not Only Out Of Towners But Also Folks VisITINg From OTHEr CoUNtries..Yesterday THEir WERE Folks From All Over THE Planet IN His Church: HE Had A U.S. Motor Cycle Gang; A Motor Cycle Club From France; A Busload Of High School Kids From Aspen, Colorado; A YoUNg Lady From Sicily; A Family From Japan; A YoUNg Couple From SpaIN; OTHEr Places INclude ChINa, Africa, England, Scotland, IREland, & Even Australia & Afghanistan!!! 


THERE WERE SoME MEmphis Folks THERE Too But Like 'THE Good Book' Says "A PropHEt Is Always WIThOut Honor IN His HoMEtown Among Family & Friends" Or SoMEthINg Like That...I AM Glad I Was Able To GIve Him His FloWErs While HE Can SMEll THEm...WITh That Said I Want To Encourage MOOR MEmphians To WITness This True UNiverSOUL TREasuRE IN Person, WE ARE LOSING TOO MANY OF THE GREATS THESE PAST SEASONS!!! REv. Al Is A GIFted PerforMEr, His Angelic Pipes ARE BlessINg Folks Via 'THE Word' & Song...Every SUNDay Feels Like REvival Plus You ARE Basically GettIN A FREe Concert From A True LivINg Legend...And IF You ARE REally Lucky REv. Al Will Lay His AnoINted Hands Upon You IN Prayer, Just Ask MY Mom Sis. Callie Herd...I Have INcluded Location & Church Services TiME in THE Photos...REv. Al Is WaITIN...May Your WEek BE Blessed WITh LOVE & HAPPINESS...


W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: My MoTHEr's Day EncoUNter WITh Al GREen #ThaArtivistThinks #ThoughtProvocateur


And HElp Us REcognize MOOR MEmphis Musicians By SupportINg THE Jimmie Lunceford Jamboree Festival MoveMEnt:


BEcoME A Patron Of THE W.E. A.L.L. B.E. MoveMEnt...JoIN US On Patreon!!!


Support THE 2017 Jimmie Lunceford Festival & Documentary!!!



And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!


Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!

Donate online:

Or send a money order to
the following address:

Attn: Ron Herd II

The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.

P.O. Box 752062

Memphis, TN 38175

Monday, June 12, 2017

W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: A MoveMEnt & A REsurREction: Tha Artivist Salutes Jimmie Lunceford Graveside For 115th Birthday #JimmieLUNcefordJamboREeFestival

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this show are not the official views, opinions, beliefs or perspectives of  W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News or The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc....W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News is an organization that thoroughly believes in supplementing the information narrative that is usually supplied by the corporate news entities with those viewpoints/expressions which may be marginalized or ignored for a plethora of reasons...We are about informing the general public on alternative perspectives as it relates to news and information and letting the general public be the ultimate judge in deciding on how to use said information...Informed citizens are responsible citizens...Thank you for your support!!!


 W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: A MoveMEnt & A REsurREction: Tha Artivist Salutes Jimmie Lunceford Graveside For 115th Birthday #JimmieLUNcefordJamboREeFestival


And The Best Is Yet To Come!!!


Support The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Movement!!!

Donate online:

Or send a money order to
the following address:
Attn: Ron Herd II
The W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Group Inc.
P.O. Box 752062
Memphis, TN 38175